Rotate Object

Make images from different perspectives based only one image

Quick menu: click on any section to quickly go to it
Key features
  • One image needed
  • Horizontal and vertical angles
  • Smaller quality for best work
  • Recommended to use the result image with upscale x4

How to use the node
Click on each step to see the corresponded image as an example and tutorial to follow

Horizontal angle

The range: from -180 to 180

It defines the horziontal angle, from which neural network will make a new image of your object

Vertical angle

The range: from -90 to 90

It defines the vertical angle, from which neural network will make a new image of your object


The range: from -0.5 to 0.5

It defines how close to the camera the new rendered image will be.
The less the number is, the closer the object will be


The range: from 1 to 200

It defines how long the generation will take and how much details will be added to the image. The optimal number is 50
Related materials and tutorials
How to
Create quick character concept and its variations combining several AI tools in one workspace

Beginner level